So here's my 3DS friend code: 0962-8933-1054 you guys comment with yours so we can play! :D
Finally had a chance to pick this up for my 3DS last week and it's quite fun to say the least. ^^ Heh to be honest, this is the first Smash Bros game I've gotten the chance to own, so this should be pretty exciting for the next few days. I literally have almost no complains other than the online netcode and smash run(not very exciting sadly.)
In other news, I still haven't forgotten about the last page of the mini summer comic. Sadly, because of school, the last page will most likely be finished very very late(I was hoping to have it finished before summer ended, but oh well.) It's still coming though :)
The Wii U Version is not out yet
Nope it's not. I plan on sticking with the 3DS version only.